Power transformer factory acceptance test checklist

Power transformer factory acceptance test checklist

Why Power transformer factory acceptance test checklist is required ? Every power transformer has gone through 2 type of testing before charging.The  First testing is done at the factory, under the supervision of vendor( who purchase it) and the second testing is done after installation at the site. Actually, the manufacturer offers the pre-inspection check before dispatching the material from its store and all of the testing cost carried by the manufacturer. So many of the manufacturer try to hide or bypass some test. Every person has no idea which…

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Commissioning Procedure of HT capacitor bank and reactor

Commissioning Procedure of HT capacitor bank and reactor

Commissioning Procedure for HT capacitor bank and reactor   HT Capacitor Bank   Do a visual check of the equipment, to check for damage. Ensure that the connection is as per drawing. Visually trace the interconnection between individual capacitors, and verify that they as per the drawing. Check the capacitance value of the bank using LRC meter, and compare with the specified value. Check IR values. IF CT or residual VT (RVT) is provided, it has to be tested as per standard testing procedure. A complete test of the panel…

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Electrical Switchboard / Switchgear testing and commissioning

Switchgear testing and commissioning electrical Switchboard

Electrical Switchboard / Switchgear testing and commissioning manual -From 3.3kv up to 33KV In this article I go to share the actual what we do in after panel/ switchgear installation and what are  the procedure of switchgear testing and commissioning ? Here we go: The test procedure described are applicable to metal clad switchboards. A switchboard comprises of circuit breakers, CTs, PTs, protection relays, & metering equipment. Commissioning procedure will be described for one panel and the same is applicable for the entire switchboard. As mentioned earlier the switchboard comprises various equipment…

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Pre-Commissioning check for indoor vacuum circuit breaker

Breaker Contact Resistance Test

Testing and commissioning of indoor Vacuum circuit breaker Physical Inspection and Mechanical checks:- Check the circuit breaker, vacuum bottle and insulators for cracks or other signs of physical damage. Check the tightness of connections, including flexible connection between vacuum bottle and busbar. Switch off control power to the breaker of disconnect the control plug. Discharge the closing and tripping springs- this done by first tripping the breaker (if it is closed), then closing the breaker, then tripping it again. Open the cover of the mechanism box. Check for damage, check…

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How to calculate Generator Sizing?

How to calculate Generator Sizing?

Calculation for Generator sizing Procedure The generator sizing is done based on the following conditions. a) Load Calculate from continuous. b) 10 % spare capacity for future loads. A) Calculation of total load: Total connected load as per load summary given below. (Refer to generator sizing-load-summary details ) Continuous Load Total KW  237.22 Total KVAR  0.00 Total KVA 279.08 Minimum KW =237.22 KW Maximum KVA =279.08 B) Calculation for Generator Capacity  Generator Capacity (In KVA) =Maximum Load X 1.1 = 306.99 KVA (Considering 10% spare capacity for future loads) So we select…

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